Health and Savings Insurance Scheme
Koperasi offers public sector workers an excellent, low premium and easy to participate Health and Savings Insurance Scheme worked out with Takaful Nasional now known as Etiqa Takaful. The scheme has a well-balanced savings and protection plan which coverage includes 36 critical illness, death and disability. While one saves, one is protected fully. The protection is offered 24-hours a day and one could be in any part of the world. As a cooperative, we are a corporate body providing a life-long relationship and service whether one is retired or in-service. Koperasi CUEPACS is a corporate with a legal guarantee of reserve funds and best placed to undertake this type of project. Based on this consideration and responsibility, Koperasi CUEPACS had embarked on this scheme so as to ensure a continued life-long service to public sector workers.
With a minimum contribution of RM30 a month participants are covered for 36 illness. 45% of the contribution is actually put on a pool as your savings and refunded upon maturity with bonuses if no claim was already by the participant during the insurance period.
Through the Eiqa Takaful scheme, 464 families who lost their loved ones claimed and got financial support as assured while 330 participants who had suffered from critical illness received lump sum payments. As at 31 March 2107, total claims paid out was RM28,623,256.54.
Participants also can claim hospital benefit when admitted to hospital for more than 6 hours a day. Per day is paid at the rate of one's monthly payment. As at 31 march 2017, a total sum of RM430,460.00 was paid out as hospital benefit.
Public Services members are welcomed to actively participate in this scheme. You can do so by filling the application form and submitting them together with a copy of the latest pay slip the Secretariat for follow-up action.
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Skim Insurans Simpanan Haji & Umrah
Newly launched the scheme to provide care and service for our new and young members. Forms and brochures would be posted as well as presented to potentail subscribers soon. Briefings to be held where group meetings are organised.
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Above : Insurance payment to family